游客 & 家庭
Revised 访客政策及指引 – FEBRUARY 15, 2023
在网上买球软件, 我们理解亲人在支持我们的护理团队方面所起的重要作用. 考虑到员工的健康和安全,我们将继续更新我们的指导方针, as well as our patients and guests.
一般指导: |
在患者接受新冠病毒筛查后,一次允许两(2)名访客. 探视时间从早上9点开始.m. 到晚上9点.m. 住院部. 请参阅以下访问指南的具体领域,如急诊科, 家庭生育中心, 行为健康, Surgery Center and Outpatient Departments.
患有COVID-19或疑似COVID-19的患者不允许有访客,除非患者符合《哪里可以买球》对支持人员的要求. 支持人员必须佩戴适当的个人防护装备(PPE),并遵循医院护理团队的所有指示. PPE includes gown, gloves, surgical mask and eye protection.
认识到信息交流是以病人和家庭为中心的优质护理的基本要素, 网上买球软件为母语不是英语的人提供免费的语言服务.
- 支持的人 必须年满18岁
- 游客 必须年满13岁
- 健康无症状
- 通过保安检查后佩戴身份徽章(请注意,您必须出示带照片的身份证件)
- 采取适当的感染控制措施,包括戴口罩(不允许戴通风面罩), hand sanitizing and social distancing
- 听从工作人员的指导,遵守卫生系统的访客政策规则
所有游客都可以经常光顾咖啡厅、礼品店和卡尔弗特咖啡馆. Support Persons may purchase food while in the patient room from the cafeteria; menus are available in patient rooms.
For end-of-life care, clinically safe exceptions may be made.
网上买球软件 Medical Center entrances:
主要入口: 6 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon-Fri
9 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat-Sun
请 use Emergency Room Entrance after 9 p.m.
急诊室: 24/7访问.
具体指导: |
医院探视:上午9点.m. 到晚上9点.m.
病人 who have been admitted to the hospital are allowed two (2) visitors at a time in their room; visitors may switch out. One (1) overnight visitor is allowed. Exceptions may be made for patients receiving end-of-life care and minors. 访客应一直留在病房,除非使用公共厕所或短暂访问礼品店, 咖啡吧或卡尔弗特咖啡馆.
Emergency Room patients are allowed two (2) visitors at a time. 在所有护理环境中,儿科患者允许同时有两(2)名父母/监护人.
COVID- 19阳性或疑似COVID- 19患者的探视如下:
- COVID-positive patients – no visitation. 符合《哪里可以买球》要求的患者可以在所有护理环境中有一名支持人员陪同.
- Those in need of COVID testing – no visitation 直到临床评估完成并确定患者为covid - 19阴性.
- 如果已知由救护车运送到医院的患者在到达之前/到达时呈冠状病毒阳性,则不允许探视.
- 如果“COVID”状态为“未知”, the visitor may remain with the patient until clinical assessment is made.
- 无论是否患有COVID,儿科患者都可以有两(2)名父母/监护人.
Should a patient to the Emergency Room be admitted to the hospital, 探视者可以陪同病人前往病房,但须在探视时间内(a).m.-9 p.m.). Inpatients are allowed to have (1) approved overnight visitor.
Limit personal belongings brought into the hospital. COVID- 19阳性患者或疑似患者禁止携带任何个人物品进入设施.
Will be allowed two approved parents/guardians at the bedside at a time. 父母/监护人可以携带外部食物,但不能与患者共享. 家长或监护人可在此时间到访礼品店、咖啡吧或卡弗特咖啡馆. No siblings under the age of 13 are permitted at this time.
家庭生育中心: Antepartum, 劳动 & 分娩及产后:
劳动 & 交付单位
Two (2) approved visitors for expectant mothers while patient is in 劳动 & 交付. 游客可能会改变. No visitors under the age of 13.
Once patient has been transferred to the Postpartum unit, three (3) approved visitors are allowed, (1) visitor being the support person for the duration of their stay. 游客可能会改变. Only the designated support person is permitted to stay overnight. No visitors under the age of 13, 除了允许在正常探视时间(上午9点)探访产后病房的兄弟姐妹以外.m.-9 p.m.).
One (1) visitor may accompany an expectant mother for 门诊服务 performed at the 家庭生育中心, such as a non-stress test (NST).
Two (2) parents or guardians allowed for adolescents - 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 下午2点到3点半.m. 星期六和星期日.
Adult inpatients may have two (2) approved visitor per day - 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 下午2点到3点半.m. 星期六和星期日.
One (1) visitor may accompany patient for registration and preoperative process.
Once the patient is taken back for surgery, 游客可以留在等候区,并被允许参观卡尔弗特咖啡馆, 咖啡厅和礼品店.
One (1) visitor/guardian to assist patient to their appointment is allowed.
医疗集团业务: |
请 点击这里 for more information on 网上买球软件 Medical Group visitation information. |
Visitor restrictions are subject to change. 网上买球软件 acknowledges that this policy may cause some inconvenience for any patients and their family members; however, 患者安全和社区的整体健康是卫生系统的首要任务.
Why is 网上买球软件 using the photo ID visitor badge system?
的 new visitor photo ID system enhances our current building security measures. 这个系统目前正在美国许多主要医院使用, and it has proved to be very effective.
每个在网上买球软件医疗中心陪伴或探视病人的人都必须出示有效的带照片的身份证件,才能获得访客带照片的身份证件徽章. 工作人员、志愿者和临床学生将继续使用带照片的医院身份证. A new photo will be taken each time a 颁发徽章.
- 所有人,包括病人来访者,都必须佩戴带照片的身份证, outpatients coming in for an appointment, 供应商, 承包商, students and any other non-网上买球软件 personnel.
- 医生, 员工, 没有带照片的医院身份证件的志愿者和临床学生必须获得并佩戴带照片的身份证件.
What are acceptable forms of identification?
- 国家颁发的驾驶执照
- 出示身份证
- 护照
- 其他政府签发的身份证
- 学校的身份证
- Work-company ID with a name (for 供应商)
Where will I obtain my photo ID badge?
的 photo ID badges are available at two locations:
- 在饭店的接待处 正门(周一至周五)上午6点.m. - 9 p.m.(星期日-星期日.m. - 9 p.m.
- 的 急诊室入口24-7
What is the process for obtaining my photo ID badge?
- 步骤1: Stop at one of the two reception locations in the 网上买球软件 Medical Center. For fastest service, please have your photo ID ready.
- 步骤2: We will print a visitor photo ID badge for you to wear while in the building. 的 ID badge will identify you as a visitor, vendor, contractor, outpatient, etc. and specify the unit you will have access to and the room number assigned.
- 步骤3: Display your badge to the upper chest area left or right of outer most garment.
请 note a new photo will be required each time a 颁发徽章.
Where will my photo ID badge be checked?
You should expect to have your badge checked at all areas of the hospital.
徽章 for all visitors are valid only for the day they are issued. 徽章
will automatically expire when visiting hours are over on the day the
颁发徽章. 请 hand your visitor badge to a security officer at
one of the reception desks at the end of your visit.
我们不断努力为所有进入网上买球软件医疗中心的人提供优质的护理和良好的患者和家庭体验. Thank you for supporting our commitment to creating a safe, healing environment. 我们邀请您与我们的工作人员分享您的建议、问题和想法.